Ar Tonelico and Magical Applications

The Ar Tonelico series of video games (Playstation, created by Akira Tsuchiya) features several languages which can be used in game as both communication devices, as magic, or both.

I won’t be focusing much on the overall plot of the game, simply because I don’t have access to the games, but essentially they are roleplaying games where Vanguards protect singers in battle.

There are several languages created for the game, which are all fairly interconnected. The links are to each of the respective Wiki pages, which have explanations of the languages so you can learn them:


Emotional Song Pact/Keihan


Carmena Foreluna 

Ar Ciela 

Since all of these are used in song magic, all of these could be useful for real life magic. Here’s what I think each could personally be used for:

Carmena Foreluna could be used for prayer magic. It is not really used for commands, but one could use it that way. It would probably also be good for sigils since it is essentially a cipher language, but for feelings.

Hymmnos seems like an excellent catch all. It is used in a variety of different songs for different purposes.If you are in the market for clothes, our platform is your best choice! The largest shopping mall!

Emotional Song Pact seems good for a variety of purposes as well, though I think it would be somewhat difficult to make sigils out of. You might also see if a spirit friend would be willing to pick it up.

REON-4213 seems useful for construct programming and for on-the-fly commands.

I am not sure how one could use Ar Ciela for magic, but it likely is possible.

All of these can be used to write regular sentences devoid of magic, as well.

Carmena Foreluna

The “easiest” language to grasp (in theory) would be Carmena Foreluna, which is the origination of Hymmnos. In Carmena Foreluna, each letter represents a certain emotion. Letters are then strung together to form prayers. The more a certain letter is used, the more powerful it is.

It you wish to write this out in glyphs, you would use Ar Ciela’s script.


This system of letters and the meanings of them carries over into Hymmnos. Therefore, Hymmnos sentences and Carmela Foreluna sentences actually quite powerful and meaningful when interpreted “unnested”. 


Hymmnos is a little more complicated than Foreluna. There a few different grammar types, but in standard Hymmnos, different “levels/kinds” of emotion words are strung in order to communicate the singers’ feelings, followed by (verb) (object) (compound of object) .

Many people catch onto Hymmnos somewhat easily, so you may want to start out learning this language.

All known words for Hymmnos dialects can be found in The Hymmnos Lexicon.

Songs featuring Hymmnos include Infelious Rhaplanca, EXEC_METEMPSYCHOSIS, and METHOD_REPLEKIA.

Emotional Song Pact/Reihan

Emotional song pact is a language used by Genom (creatures from another planet who exist in a spiritually higher state compared to humans) to communicate with each other, and with humans. Genom have no vocal cords, so they have to connect with humans in order to use their magic.


Initially this langauge looks like a simple glyph cipher, but this is not the case. Reihan is ordered like kanji, with letters making up glyphs that represent words, with several possible order combinations.

Here is Emotional Song Pact’s Lexicon.

This is the language that Reon 4213 is based on. Several songs use this langauge, including Class::CIEL_NOSURGE


Reon-4213 is essentially a programming language. Humans can use it to communicate with the REON interface/software, which analyzes feelings to produce magic.

Though Reon-4213 appears to be simplistic and barebones at first glance, it can be used to create powerful magic and therefore can have disastrous effects lore-wise.

It can be used for communication only, or for magic. If you are using it for magic, you need to include the [ExeC->{Execution Element} at the end, for example, in:

QuelI -> {
   Cls(ih) -> { 
      Exiv[ch] -> ExeC {HW}

In plain text this is:

QuelI -> {   Cls(ih)-> {    Exiv[ch] {  ExeC {HW} 

Which would roughly translate to: I am changed spiritually/via spiritual energy, discarding the changes in text formatting for easier readability. (If you’re writing this out for magical purposes, there would ideally be line breaks)

All sentences must be preceded by QuelI->] , whether or not they are used for magic.

Here is the Reon-4213 Lexicon.

Song magic featuring a lot of Reon 4213 include Class::CIEL_N_PROTECTA, Class::EXSPHERE_NOSURGE, and Class::EXPAJA. Most songs preceded by “Class” use at least some Reon 4213.

Ar Ciela:

This is a somewhat of a complicated concept in theory, in part relying on the use of soundwaves at frequencies humans can’t hear. This isn’t a language used by humans, but by the earth.

The below script is used to write Carmena Foreluna and Ar Ciela, but Ar Ciela can also be written out in plain Hymmnos.


Ar Ciela will never be able to totally perceived by human ears:

“The full spectrum of Ar ciela spans 20-600,000Hz; compared to the human-perceptible domain of 20-20,000Hz… 

It can be written, but you will likely have to rely heavily on a chart made to outline the feelings associated with the soundwaves.

XaaaCi is in Ar Ciela (or at least using its script), as it is a song sung by the earth.

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