
Work, Work, Work: or, Real Life Cultist Simulator

(Author’s Note: I no longer have this job, but I am about to start another one soon… So I figured it was time to post this.) Recently I obtained a full time job. Through totally mundane means it fell into my lap, and due to my job duties I have had a lot of time to mull on different topics. I find myself missing the void and space and free

Where Have I Been? 2022 Update

A small update for anyone who reads this blog. I have continued to perform my research and I have made a number of strides in my work and spiritual practice when compared to the day I began this website. I have communed with the gods, given them offerings, and looked into a number of sources relating to their origin and power. Essays that I have written in private are waiting,


Greetings to fellow researchers and eldritch workers. You may call me Lux. This website will serve as a research hub for myself, and a more organized place to collect my thoughts. If you are new here, this website is for those who work with eldritches in a energetic/spiritual capacity, or for those who are interested in doing so. You are always welcome here. Take care. If you need to message