April 2020

Self Hypnosis: A Brief Guide

The self hypnosis state is one of deep relaxation, not necessarily a trance state. In order to get into this state of relaxation, we typically will take these steps in order: 1) Induction 2) Deepening 3) Affirmations/Suggestions 4) Exiting A note on affirmations: It is of crucial importance to avoid the use of negative affirmations during self hypnosis, as the subconscious cannot process negatives and your affirmation will be reversed

Eldritches- Getting Started

Regarding working with eldritches: First off, establish what you are planning on accomplishing. Is it gaining knowledge, is it worship, is it simply fascination?, etc. It will likely be difficult for people for others to guide you without information of your intent in this first. I now personally disuade people from engaging in worship, though there likely is a way to do that carefully. Either way, you should read through

Ar Tonelico and Magical Applications

The Ar Tonelico series of video games (Playstation, created by Akira Tsuchiya) features several languages which can be used in game as both communication devices, as magic, or both. I won’t be focusing much on the overall plot of the game, simply because I don’t have access to the games, but essentially they are roleplaying games where Vanguards protect singers in battle. There are several languages created for the game,

Sundered and The Eschaton Cultists

The Eschaton cultists are one of the two groups you can follow in the footsteps of in Sundered. The other group are the Valkyrie, essentially a military state, whom I will cover in another post. Moderate lore spoilers, nothing too big, no “trade secrets” released.  Sacrifice: A big element of their religion. The Eschaton are very eager to sacrifice and this is noted in several of their religious texts and quotes

Sundered and Human Expendability

Something about eldritches that has always intrigued me is that some of them are interested in humans. Since eldritches are partially a psychological embodiment of cosmicism (humans are ants in the cosmic scheme and ultimately very unimportant), based on their feelings and actions towards humans, it is interesting to see The Shining Trapezohedron take such an interest in the Eschaton (specifically Bah’gor) and express such vitriol for the Valkyrie. I

Sundered and Eldritch Power

One of the interesting things about Sundered is its exploration of eldritch powers and corruption. It is a defining theme of the game. I am going to skip over the plot (which I quite enjoyed) and more literary elements in favor of just discussing the aspects involving eldritch energy. In the game, The Shining Trapezohedron is Eshe’s weapon. This is likely achieved through some kind of energetic and physical bond.


Greetings to fellow researchers and eldritch workers. You may call me Lux. This website will serve as a research hub for myself, and a more organized place to collect my thoughts. If you are new here, this website is for those who work with eldritches in a energetic/spiritual capacity, or for those who are interested in doing so. You are always welcome here. Take care. If you need to message