Self Hypnosis: A Brief Guide

The self hypnosis state is one of deep relaxation, not necessarily a trance state.

In order to get into this state of relaxation, we typically will take these steps in order:

1) Induction
2) Deepening
3) Affirmations/Suggestions
4) Exiting

A note on affirmations:

It is of crucial importance to avoid the use of negative affirmations during self hypnosis, as the subconscious cannot process negatives and your affirmation will be reversed by your subconscious.

Word your affirmations positively, ex., “I am free of social anxiety” instead of “I do not have social anxiety”.

Furthermore, affirmations should be stated in the present tense, for example “I am confident during my speech” as opposed to “I will be confident during my speech”.

The latter has the chance of delaying effects of affirmations, ie., your affirmation may always be in the future tense in your subconsious.

If you desire results by a certain deadline and need to put your affirmation in the future tense, tie it to a deadline.

Hypnosis script steps:

I use a heavily modified version of this site’s deepening and induction script, but you may come up with whatever you wish:

0) Preparation

Eventually you may practice self hypnosis anywhere you wish, as long as you will be relatively undisturbed. The most convenient places to start out with practicing would be a chair with a door closed, or before sleep. It is fine if you fall asleep before step 4.

You need to be in a position where you can relax all of your muscles with ease, and where your hands and legs are uncrossed. You may wish to start off with some deep breaths and some time to mentally relax your mind.

Playing your self hypnosis script on a CD/MP3/speakers will likely be more convenient at first, until you have it memorized (if needed).

1) Induction

Induction prepares your mind for this relaxed state. This uses a simple phrase, such as “My mind and body are deeply relaxed and at peace, and this deepens as I count up to ten”. You may use visualizations during this part if you wish.

2) Deepening

This is the part where you will count up to ten, relaxing your body from your head to your toes as you count up. This may take anywhere from 10-20 minutes at first.

You will want to continue deepening until you feel sufficiently relaxed. You do not have to be in a trance state in order to continue with hypnosis.

An important element of the steps from here on is to keep your conscious mind somewhat engaged (it is what prevents me from falling asleep if I am tired!). I enjoy listening to rain sounds or soft ambient music in order to somewhat “distract” my conscious mind and keep it partially alert.

This part will take as long as it takes. Give yourself as much time as you require to get relaxed enough. It will get easier with time.

3) Affirmations/Suggestions

When you are relaxed enough, start to repeat your affirmations. You may use visualizations if you wish. It is typically advised to repeat your affirmations 15-20 times.

This time can be spread out to be as long as you wish.

4) Exiting

Typically exiting involves counting down to one from five, while adding affirmations that help your body exit out of the relaxed state and help you become more alert.

It is alright if you fall asleep before this stage.

Overall results of self hypnosis can typically take a few months to come to fruition, though this depends. You can practice self hypnosis every day, and even multiple times a day if you wish.


Things you may wish to try in self hypnosis include energy work, visualization practice, increasing confidence, improving psychic abiities, or anything you can think of as long as it is feasible.

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